Influencer Marketing

Digital Marketing Strategy

Production House

Media & Content Planner


Find Out More About Us


“awake Bkk” is a creative agency which included both the Commercial agency & Influencer Marketing in one place. What we do is to plan the creative strategy of campaign, planning the  production of various media including images, animations, text and audio  in ONLINE and OFFLINE channels.

  • Our Vision

    awake Bkk the Business
    Your success is our goal, trust our vision and let achieve together!

    New Opportunity
    Let us open up a new opportunity to SMASH your business.

  • Our Mission

    Professional Work : Our team is at the professional standards, both by education, training, trying and failing through a lot of experiences.

    Growth Mindset : Every feedback is our new opportunity to grow and apply constructive criticism.

    Team Work : The best teamwork is not only between Smashing team, but the best teamwork is between “ Awake Bkk  team” and “Your Brand”.

Brand Showcase

Pepsi. It's delicious to eat with anything!